
The Big Picture

Published: November 21, 2022

In 2021/22, FSGV delivered support and referrals to more than 10,000 people across Greater Vancouver. 

But what does that really mean?

In our latest Annual Report, we took a look at what support for 10,000 people looks like – from providing food and shelter, to compassionate counselling, to trauma-informed financial education.

What emerged is that support goes so far beyond programs and services. Our staff, including hundreds of counsellors and support workers, take care to see each one of those 10,000 people as an individual, with individual life circumstances and needs.

We often see a complex overlap of financial and housing insecurity, mental health, childhood or family trauma, substance use challenges, isolation, and other systemic barriers in the community we serve. So our approach to service reflects that complexity.

Talking to staff across the agency, it’s clear that everyone is deeply connected to the communities we serve and intimately aware of the resources available to help. What’s more, FSGV staff are connected to community tables, advisory committees, and advocates – all in service to our clients.

Taken together, our community of connection and commitment translates to seeing the big picture of what our most vulnerable neighbours need in order to build brighter tomorrows. We see what people are struggling with today and we’re looking ahead to how policies and services can evolve to provide earlier interventions.

Read our 2021/22 Annual Report to see the big picture.

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