

Published: May 15, 2022

Have you ever felt both happy and sad at the same time? Perhaps another combination of feelings, like relief that something is over but pride at an accomplishment? People are complex, diverse, and multi-faceted, with varied histories and lived experiences that can lead to mixed emotions.

At Family Services of Greater Vancouver, we provide trauma-informed support services and counselling to victims and survivors of crime. This means listening when people share their unique stories and walking alongside them as they make sense of their feelings and experiences. 

Victims and survivors of trauma often feel like their contradictory feelings are dismissed or shamed by those around them. We asked survivors to share their experiences with contradiction so we could help end the stigma around feeling the and. From real people with real experiences, we learned about feeling:

  • Isolation and connection
  • Want and rejection
  • Fear and compassion
  • Resent and dependence
  • Despair and determination

Explore the And marks our commitment to acknowledging the experiences and perspectives of victims and survivors of crime and bringing them to a wider audience.

View the campaign to learn more.